Friday, September 21, 2012


(if you don't know Big KRIT....please do the knowledge)

She's printing, logging off and going home. I'm still here. I've been in this seat since 4:00 (It would have been 3:00 but I caught up with some of my friends in the IEDP program and we had one heck of a chat about present day US education v. the rest of the world).  I've been typing away at this ambitious paper schedule I have for next week. It goes:

Monday: 4-6 pages due of a critique to our Autobiographic Early Literacy Sketch to Elementary Reading/Writing/Literacy Curriculum taught by Dr. Campano

Tuesday: 4-6 pages due of an interview with someone who shares the same cultural/ethnic experience as us to Multicultural Issues in Education taught by Dr. Gadsden.

Wednesday: 4-6 pages due of an autobiographical sketch of our language and literacy experiences as adolescents to Dr. Thomas

Thursday: 3 pages due to Dr. Epstein on whether Penn should be involved in fixing the broken Philadelphia public school system in Community & Art Partnerships

Yup, there goes the weekend.  Except for one thing.

I'm not going to be here much longer because I got my study break. Two tickets to go see Big KRIT, Slim Thug, Mic Stew, and my Philadelphia hip-hop family at the Blockley.  

Then sleep. Then shower. Then back to this seat. Its going to be a long weekend.

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