Thursday, October 11, 2012

Writing Ritual.

My writing ritual.
  1. Log on Computer.
  2. Open water bottle.
  3. Visit Facebook.
  4. Check my Flipboard.
  5. Go to the bathroom.
  6. Open Microsoft Word.
  7. Close Internet Explorer.
  8. Find perfect mix from RBMA Radio.
  9. Check my Facebook from the Phone.
  10. Take a sip of water.
  11. Customize Microsoft Word.
    1. Set Font to Times New Roman.
    2. Set Zoom to 90%.
    3. Set Line Spacing to 1.0.
    4. Set Paragraph Spacing to 0 pt.
  12. Open Internet Explorer.
  13. Check SBNation.
  14. Close Internet Explorer.
  15. Open PDF's on IPad Adobe Reader.
  16. Look outside.
  17. Type name on top right-hand corner.
  18. Hit the Enter button twice.
  19. Find assignment directions.
  20. Take a sip of water.
  21. Begin writing.

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